This Kind of Beauty Will Save the World

This Kind of Beauty Will Save the World
The Centro Botín in Cantabria, Spain streaming on Shelter

"I want to tell you a story that I've always liked.

Roberto Rossellini (an Italian film director) who filmed in the Pompidou when we were finishing it, he came a lot to film and saw that I was anxious, worried, because I was thinking about how the building would be received.

And I wasn't wrong, it wasn't easy.

And he said something very important to me:

"Don't look at the building, but at the reflection of it in peoples eyes.

Look at the people passing by, coming, going in, look at them.

Look at this reflection, discover the building in their gaze."

Then I began to do this as a matter of custom.

And I discovered the marvel, the discovery of beauty, is not proportional to a cultural or educational level.

There are people who have this sensitivity, who take in the beauty of a film, who take in the beauty or the spirituality of an artistic situation...

I'm convinced that this kind of beauty can save the world."

- Renzo Piano, Pritzker Prize Winner

In this weeks new release, architect Renzo Piano and Director Carlos Saura discuss their view on the relationship between architecture and cinema and show us the magic surrounding the Centro Botín in Cantabria, Spain.

This gigantic building as imagined by Renzo Piano is a building that through time, aims to modify the soul of the city forever.

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